HomeHow the Cloud is Modernizing Waste Industry SoftwareFor Waste VendorsHow the Cloud is Modernizing Waste Industry Software

How the Cloud is Modernizing Waste Industry Software

The cloud is transforming how commercial waste and recycling companies conduct business, interact with customers, and manage data. Migrating to cloud-based waste industry software represents a unique opportunity to reduce costs, increase productivity, and improve the customer experience.

Here’s a quick overview of why waste industry professionals are turning to cloud-based software like RecycleERP.

Challenges with Legacy Waste Industry Software & Tools

If your company currently relies on on-prem waste management software, you may be familiar with the following challenges and limitations:

Upfront fixed costs: Purchasing, installing, and configuring servers can be expensive and require considerable technical expertise.

Ongoing security, maintenance, and upkeep: Performing system updates and backups, patching software, and troubleshooting bugs takes time and diverts resources from growth.

Downtime: Ensuring 24/7 uptime isn’t easy. And, when things break, your IT department must scramble to quickly roll out a solution—while users idly wait to regain access.

IT staffing difficulties: Talented IT professionals are hard enough to recruit, hire, and retain during normal times. Add on a labor shortage, and things get even more difficult.

Accessibility issues: Enabling remote work for dozens or hundreds of users is challenging when systems live on-prem.

Distractions: At the end of the day, your company is in the waste management business—not the software or IT business. Each software-related issue takes you one step further from achieving your true mission.

Make Life Easier for Customers & Staff with the Cloud

Partnering with an experienced cloud software vendor makes it easier for your IT team to leverage technology—instead of building and maintaining it. Here’s how that translates into value for your customers and your own organization:

Self-Service Experience

Cloud-based platforms like RecycleERP help small and mid-sized waste companies compete with larger organizations—without spending exponentially more on IT infrastructure. For example, with RecycleERP, your organization can offer a self-service mobile app and portal for customers to place orders and view reports. The result? Enhanced communication, streamlined interactions, and happier customers.

Scalable Path to Growth

Building on the cloud lets you steadily grow your customer base without sacrificing performance as you grow your customer base. That’s hard to guarantee with traditional on-prem solutions.

Internal Efficiency, Fewer Distractions

Cloud-based waste software can also deliver numerous benefits to internal staff. Sales teams will spend less time taking orders and more time building relationships. Finance teams gain detailed insights into profitability across each line of business. Streamlined billing and invoicing saves accounting staff time with fewer oversights. IT no longer has to worry about procuring additional servers and ensuring uptime. And, should you ever have to quickly pivot back to remote work—the cloud is a smart place to be.

Data-Driven Waste Management for Everyone

At the end of the day, customers want a streamlined ordering experience and actionable insights into their waste management programs. Your staff want to do their jobs and spend less time on tedious, repetitive tasks.

Maybe it’s time to take a look at cloud-based solutions like RecycleERP.

Contact us for a demo of our waste industry software.